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Experiential Learning

This program has a co-op option, as well as experiential learning opportunities including a fourth-year undergraduate thesis and the five-year Science and Management program option. 

Thesis Project

The Applied and Industrial Mathematics program has a two-semester honours undergraduate research thesis as part of the final year of the program. The thesis project gives students the ability to conduct independent research under the supervision of a research faculty member to gain valuable practical experience.

See what undergraduate thesis topic interests you.

A list of all current thesis projects is available here.

Thesis Application forms are available here.

Co-Operative Education 

We also have a co-operative education option available for our students. The co-op option gives students opportunities to apply classroom and lab concepts to real-world situations and helps them gain valuable, relevant work experience to promote networking and lifelong career success.

Bachelor of Science and Management (Honours) Program 

Students interested in managerial and leadership roles can apply to the five-year Bachelor of Science and Management (Honours) program in their upper years of study. Graduates gain a solid foundation in the key functional areas of business and management.  The Management and Co-operative Education options may be combined.