Student achievement
Our Forensic Science program strives to maintain high standards of education and professional experience. A thorough assessment of the students’ abilities is integrated in course curriculum and measured in their final year through their capstone experience. Beyond graduation, the success of the program and the impact on the student is further assessed through exit and career surveys developed by the Forensic Science program and the university.
Forensic Science Students in the News
Program Statistics
Retention and Enrollment Data (As of Jun. 2024))
Forensic Science Program Metric 1st Year Retention* Fiscal Full-Time Equivalents (FFTEs) Program Changes/Withdrawals 1st year Enrollment # of Graduating Students ** Switched into Forensic Science Switched out of Forensic Science Withdrew from Forensic Science 2012-13 70.6% 114.2 2 13 13 41 25 2013-14 73.6% 115.9 2 21 8 62 18 2014-15 73.6% 115.7 2 8 4 57 17 2015-16 76.0% 125.1 5 15 9 54 17 2016-17 81.1% 116.7 0 10 3 41 21 2017-18 77.8% 132.6 0 16 5 61 15 2018-19 72.7% 142.0 0 10 4 64 28 2019-20 84.6% 126.8 0 13 4 54 25*** 2020-21 77.1% 142.2 0 11 5 58 20*** 2021-22 78.9% 139.9 2 21 2 48 30 2022-23 77.6% 142.7 1 27 6 75 26 2023-24 - 112.1 - - - 41 - *Year 1 to Year 2 Retention, CSRDE methodology
**Graduates are counted for the calendar year (Jan - Dec)
***Students in Forensic Science & Management previously not included -
Alumni Employment Statistics (As of Jun. 2024)
Total Students Forensic Science* FS Related Not FS Related Advanced Degrees No Contact 2009 15 3 20.0% 3 20.0% 4 26.7% 1 6.7% 5 33.3% 2010 11 2 18.2% 4 36.4% 1 9.1% 1 9.1% 4 36.4% 2011 14 2 14.3% 4 28.6% 4 28.6% 2 14.3% 4 28.6% 2012 15 3 20.0% 3 20.0% 1 6.7% 2 13.3% 8 53.3% 2013 27 4 14.8% 12 44.4% 4 14.8% 7 25.9% 7 25.9% 2014 16 2 12.5% 6 37.5% 3 18.7% 4 25.0% 5 31.3% 2015 18 3 16.7% 3 16.7% 6 33.3% 5 27.8% 4 22.2% 2016 16 2 12.5% 4 25.0% 5 31.3% 6 37.5% 3 18.8% 2017 19 1 5.3% 4 21.1% 4 21.1% 3 15.8% 7 36.8% 2018 16 2 12.5% 6 37.5% 1 6.3% 6 37.5% 2 12.5% 2019 30 2 6.7% 9 30% 10 33.3% 9 30.0% 5 16.7% 2020 22 4 18.2% 5 22.7% 4 18.2% 10 45.5% 2 9.1% 2021 18 0 0% 1 5.6% 3 16.7% 5 27.8% 9 50.0% 2022 31 2 6.5% 13 41.9% 6 19.4% 5 16.1% 9 29% 2023 26 0 0.0% 3 11.5% 8 30.8% 9 34.6% 8 30.8% 2024 23 - - - - - - - - - - Total (Not including Class of 2024) 294 32 10.9% 80 27.2% 64 21.8% 75 25.5% 82 27.9% *Individuals classified as having a forensic science job are those in the actual field of forensic science with respect to the relevancy of their degree obtained. Examples of this would be as follows: laboratory or fieldwork with forensic governmental/private agencies, etc. Those seeking careers in this field should be aware that background checks similar to those required for law enforecment officers are likely to be a condition of employment.
Journal articles
- Harvey J, Liscio E, Lowe A, and Stotesbury, T. (2024). Recovery of Footwear Impression Evidence Using Portable Three-Dimensional Scanning Technologies: A Pilot Study. Journal of Forensic Identification. 74 (1).
- Santangelo A, Liscio E, and Nugent K. (2023). Accuracy of Impact Angle Determinations from Bullet Holes in Drywall Panels. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal.
- Rampete, K., Elliott, C.I., and Stotesbury, T. (2023). Monitoring the solid-state VIS profiles of degrading bloodstains. Forensic Chemistry. May 2023;100507:1-9.
- Vale, B., Orr, A., Elliott, C., & Stotesbury, T. (2023). Optical profilometry for forensic bloodstain imaging. Microscopy Research and Technique, Oct 2023;86(10):1401-8.
- Elayas, M., Borsodi, M., Nugent, K., and Hamid, D. 2022. Enhancement of footwear impressions containing salt residue using silver nitrate and ultra-violet light. (accepted). Journal of Forensic Identification.
- Burns, P., Nugent, K., Gaspari, F., and Hendrikse,L. 2022. Using Momenum to Determine Serious Bodily Injury: An Experimental Study Using Pig Eyes (in press.) The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal.
- Plante, J., Orr, A., Albrecht, I., Wyard, L., Boyd, P., Stotesbury, T. 2021. Passive drip stains formed on ice and snow: an observational study. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal.
- Dziak, R., Peneder, A., Buetter, A. and Hageman, C. 2018. Trace DNA Sampling Success from Evidence Items Commonly Encountered in Forensic Casework. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 64(3): 835-841. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13622
- Roloff, B., Buetter, A., and Adach, E. 2016. The recovery of latent fingerprints from paper using the Electrostatic Detection Apparatus®. Identification Canada. 39(4): 124-144.
- Forbes, S.L., Wilson, M.E.A., and Stuart, B.H. 2011. Examination of adipocere formation in a cold water environment. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 125(5): 643-650. DOI 10.1007/s00414-010-0460-6.
- Bissonnette, M., Knaap, W., and Forbes, S.L. 2010. Steam development of latent fingerprints on thermal paper. Journal of Forensic Identification. 60: 619-638.
- Comstock, J., Beeton, M., and Forbes, S.L. 2010. An investigation of barefoot morphology, friction ridges and their significance in forensic identification. Identification Canada. 33:4-19.
- Van Belle, L.E., Carter, D.O., and Forbes, S.L. 2009. Measurement of ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen influx into gravesoil during aboveground and belowground carcass (Sus scrofa) decomposition. Forensic Science International. 193: 37-41.
Book Chapters
LeBlanc, H.N., Perrault, K.A., Ly, J. (2020) Role of volatile organic compounds in chemical ecology. Chapter 24 pp 507-519, in Jason H. Byrd & Jeffery K. Tomberlin (eds.) Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, Third Edition. CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group
Conference presentations
- Maloney S, Shamsi M, Nugent K, Lafrenière NM, Banks R. Preliminary exploration of automotive carpet fibres for the development of a forensic database in Canada. Canadian Society of Forensic Science 2023 Conference, 14 June 2023, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada (oral presentation).
- Kannan S, Lowe A, Stotesbury T. Characterizing a blood spatter impact device for practical research and training. Canadian Society of Forensic Science 2023 Conference, 14 June 2023, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada (oral presentation).
- Lubrin D, Stotesbury T, Desaulniers JP. Synthesis and application of oligonucleotide bound alginate materials. Canadian Society of Forensic Science 2023 Conference, 14 June 2023, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada (oral presentation).
- Lubrin D, Desaulniers JP, Stotesbury T*. Synthesis and application of oligonucleotide bound alginate materials. SOUSCC, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada (oral presentation).
- Lubrin D, Stotesbury T, Desaulniers JP. Synthesis and application of oligonucleotide bound alginate materials. Ontario Tech University - Kyushu Institute of Technology mini symposium in chemistry. 28 October 2022 (oral presentation).
- Rampete K, Elliott C, Stotesbury T. Monitoring the short-term solid-state UV-Vis profiles of degrading bloodstains. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Twitter Poster Competition. 21 September 2022 (poster-presentation).
- Rampete K, Stotesbury T. Effects of temperature on the solid-state UV-Vis profiles of bloodstains. International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts European Training Conference. 9 July 2022. (oral presentation)
- Vale B, Stotesbury T. Using optical profilometry to investigate changes in surface characteristics of degrading bloodstains. International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts European Training Conference. 9 July 2022. (oral presentation)
- Fakhori M, Stotesbury T. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) released from degrading bloodstains using SPME-GC-MS. Canadian Society of Forensic Science virtual conference – Forensic Science: A World of Opportunities. 21-24 June 2021. (poster presentation).
- Vir M, Nugent K, Carew RM, Cadola, L, Muehlethaler C, Falardeau M, Tanaka TA. A Study Into Additive Manufacturing to Clone Stamping Device Impressions. AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting 2021. February 2021. (Accepted.)
- MacMillan V, Nugent K, Foley R, Tanaka TA. Force Plate and High-Speed Video Analysis of the Stamping Device Application. AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting 2021. February 2021. (Accepted).
- Tiessen M, Fruehwald H, Burr W, Easton EB, Stotesbury T. Characterization of bloodstain films using differential pulse voltammetry (poster). The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Online Conference, 2020, Twitter.
- Kundan P, Stotesbury T. Passive drip stain formation on ice cold surfaces (poster). The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Online Conference, 2020, Twitter.
- Penny, K., and Nugent, K. Comparing the Effects of Different Writing Surfaces on Indentations Developed Using the Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (ESDA) (poster). The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Virtual Conference, 2020, Twitter.
- Borsodi, M., Nugent, K., and Hamid, D. The Enhancement of Footwear Impressions Containing Salt Residues Using Silver Nitrate (poster). The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Virtual Conference, 2020, Twitter.
- Burns, P., Nugent, K., Hendrikse, L., and Gaspari, F. Using Momentum to Determine Serious Bodily Injury: An Experimental Study Using Pig Eyes (poster). The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Virtual Conference, 2020, Twitter.
- Elayas, M., Nugent, K., and Hamid, D. Enhancement of footwear impressions containing salt residue using silver nitrate and ultra-violet light. Toronto Police Conference Forensic Training Conference. 2019
- Mortensen S, Fewkes M, Stotesbury T, LeBlanc HN. Entomotoxicology: Should it be used in Canada? (poster). The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Online Conference, 2020, Twitter.
- Ho, J., Skopyk, A., & LeBlanc H.N. (2020) Investigating Linkages Between Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Total Body Scoring (TBS), and the Stages of Decomposition in Adult Pigs. Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) Poster Competition, Twitter. May 27
- Munro, D., Thang, S., Sainte-Marie, S., Blackmore, V., & Hageman, C. Body fluids and DNA on frequently handled and used objects. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Annual General Meeting, Gatineau, Quebec. May 2018.
- Gendi, M., & LeBlanc, H.N. The effect of developmental maturity of female blow fly Phormia Regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on EAG response to decomposition volatile organic compounds. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Annual General Meeting, Gatineau, Quebec. May 2018.
- Baptiste-Carmichael, T. Factors that affect the transfer and persistence of DNA on evidence items and surfaces. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Annual General Meeting, Gatineau, Quebec. May 2018.
- Ly, J. & LeBlanc, H.N. Electrophysiological response of Phormia Regina to cadaveric pig volatile organic compounds. International Association of Forensic Science (IAFS) Triennial Meeting, Toronto, Ontario. September 2017.
- LeBlanc, H.N. & Ly, J. Electrophysiological response of Phormia Regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to cadaveric pig Volatile Organic Compounds. North American Forensic Entomology Association (NAFEA), Davis, California USA. July 2017.
- Arnott, J., and Hageman, C. The indirect Transfer of “Touch” DNA onto a firearm via multiple intermediary steps. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Annual General Meeting, Montreal, Quebec. May 2016.
- LeBlanc, H.N., Buetter, A., Robinson, K. & Forbes, S.L. Evaluation of decomposition and insect colonization of pig (sus scrofa) cadavers inside a vehicle. 68th Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS). Las Vegas, Nevada. February 2016.
- Falconer, C., Ma, K., Nugent, K., and Gaspari, F. Creating a standardization variable to assist law enforcement in classification of firearms as either lethal or non-lethal. University of Ontario Institute of Technology Undergraduate Research Showcase, Oshawa, Ontario. August 2015.
- Giguere,E. The Influence of added weights on the morphology of barefoot impressions. Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. May 2015.
- Londero, V. Fibre transfer onto Knives after Penetrations through Fabric and Flesh. Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. May 2015.
- MacLean, B. Penetrating Capabilities of Air Guns: Analysis of Projectile Behaviour. Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. May 2015.
- Rolko, E. and LeBlanc, H.N. Assembly of an Electroantennogram and Isolation of Active Compounds Associated with Cadaver Decomposition Using Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). 59th Conference of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science. Gatineau, Quebec. May 2014.
- Wou, S., Olson, G., Sainte-Marie, S., Nugent, K., and LeBlanc, H.N. The Effects of Extreme Temperatures due to Fire on Presemptive and Confirmatory Testing of Biological Fluid. 59th Conference of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Gatineau, Quebec. May 2014.
- Corbett, M., and Vallikanthan, T. K30 Breath Ethanol Concentration in Obese and Underweight Humans. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, Washington. February 2014.
- Fazio, K., Auer, S., Nugent, K., Spencer, R., and Tanaka, T. The Effects of Constraint on a Signature's Static and Dynamic Features. 70th Annual American Society of Questioned Document Examiners Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina. August 2012.
- Michael R. Corbett, PhD, LLM*, and Andy Huang, BSc Comparison of Ethanol Elimination Rate of Human Females and Body-Paired Males. 64th American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. February 2012.
- Peneder A., Renata Dziak, Kimberly Nugent and Jonathan Millman. Trace DNA Sampling Success Rates for a Evidence Items Commonly Encountered in Forensic Casework. 57th Annual Canadian Society of Forensic Science Conference. Toronto, Ontario. November 2010.
- Michael R. Corbett and Anu R. Singh, Sample Requirements (Pressure, Flow-Rate, Volume, Duration) of Investigated Breath Alcohol Test Devices (Alcotest 7410, Alert J5) and Instruments (Intoxilyer 5000/5000EN, Breathalyzer 900/900A, BAC Datamaster). Society of Forensic Toxicologists meeting in Richmond, Virginia. October 2010.
- Perrault, K., Hulse-Smith, L. and LeBlanc, H.N. A comparison of DNA collection techniques used in forensic casework. University of Ontario Institute of Technology Second Annual Graduate Student Research Conference. Oshawa, Ontario. May 2011.
- Forbes, S.L., LeBlanc, H.N., Perrault, K. and Buetter, A. Decomposition in a closed vehicle environment in southern Ontario. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Chicago, Illinois. February 2011.
- LeBlanc, H.N., Forbes S.L., Buetter, A., and Perrault, K. Study of Insect Colonisation Delay in a Closed Vehicle Environment. Canadian Society of Forensic Science – 57th Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario. December 2010.
- Forbes, S.L., Stogran, M.A., and Carter, D.O. An investigation of amino acids in decomposition soil. 3rd International Soil Forensics Conference. Long Beach, California. November 2010.
- Forbes, S.L., Wilson, M.E.A., and Stuart, B.H. Examination of adipocere formation in Lake Ontario, Canada. 20th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences. Sydney, Australia, September 2010.
- Buis, R. Devine, R. and Forbes, S.L. Using iodine silver plate transfer and a-napthaflavone for the development of latent fingerprints on skin. 2010 Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. March 2010.
- Bygarski, K. and LeBlanc, H.N. The Effects of Clothing on Decomposition and Insect Succession in a Southern Ontario Region. 2010 Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. March 2010.
- Caruana, B., Knaap, W. and Nugent, K. Recovery of DNA from chemically-treated fingerprints. 2010 Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. March 2010.
- Comstock, J., Beeton, M. and Forbes, S.L. Forensic Examination of Barefoot Morphology.2010 Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. March 2010.
- Van Osch, J., Chalmers, D. and Forbes, S.L. Detection of cleaning products and fingerprints with DPSS CW portable forensic laser. 2010 Toronto Police Forensic Identification Training Conference, Toronto, Ontario. March 2010.
- Stogran, M. A., and Forbes, S.L. Optimisation of a method to quantify amino acids in soil using HPLC-UV/Vis. 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, Ontario. June 2009.
- Forbes, S.L., Van Belle, L. and Carter, D.O. Measurement of ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen influx into gravesoil during decomposition. XXI Congress of theInternational Academy of Legal Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal. May 2009.
- Forbes, S.L., Lumley, T., Carter, D.O., and O’Brien, S.L.N. Succession of microfungi in gravesoil. 59th Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, San Antonio, Texas, February 2007.
- Forbes, S.L., Nugent, K., McLeish, S., and O’Brien, S. The potential application of forensic mycology to the estimation of post-burial interval. Canadian Identification Society and Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences Conference, Windsor, Ontario. August 2006.
Capstone experience - Forensic Science Research Day
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
The focus of the Mock Crime Scene Practicum is to apply practical skills to process a complex crime scene. This is accomplished by simulating all the associated events a person may encounter from the crime scene to court. This includes extensive documentation of the scene, collection and identification of evidence, creation of detailed logs and forensic reports, and testifying as an expert witness in a mock court setting. Students selecting this capstone experience are expected to individually prepare a written report and collaborate on an oral presentation.
Directed Studies
The focus of the Directed Studies project is to identify gaps in the research literature. This is achieved by conducting a thorough literature review on a particular subject. Ultimately, the goal is to review the current state of the chosen field, leaving no stone unturned and putting current research into the broader context of forensic science. Students selecting this capstone experience have the opportunity to investigate the more diverse subject matter where conducting original research may be difficult. Students are expected to prepare a written document and a three-minute oral presentation.
Thesis Project
The focus of the Thesis Project is to fill the gaps in the research literature. This is achieved by reviewing previous studies, designing an experiment and conducting original examinations. Ultimately, the goal is to contribute novel research to a relevant field of forensic science or broader natural science. Students work closely with either internal or external supervisors who mentor them throughout the course of their work. Students selecting this capstone experience are expected to prepare a written thesis and oral presentation.
16th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2024
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
- Hanin Aoudi
- Samantha Cordeiro
- Andrew Dallison
- Matt Foat
- Hamza Khan
- Kanika Kumar
- Isaac Leydl
- Martina Maffei
- Liam Murphy
- Brasane Neelavannan
- Sajanth Thavarajah
Directed Studies
- Amanda Phan. Dogs with a job: Exploring the world of detection dogs.
Thesis Project
- Bethany Heslinga & Madeline Lamont. Investigation of bloodstain pattern analysis experimental set-ups.
- Keegan Hirst. Determination of directionality of swipe patterns on different substrates.
- Natalia Robinson. Using touch DNA to identify the habitual vs recent wearer of clothing.
- Sophia Tucker. Analysis of DNA degradation in embalmed tissues over time: A continued study.
- Francis Turano. Developing a kit to optimally sample from interred human remains. Developing training materials for forensic biologists.
- Brandon Giotis. The viability of creating an automotive carpet fibre database for forensic use in Canada.
- Keegan Howden. Synthesis of a larger linker and its effect of oligonucleotides tagged with carboxylic acids containing small molecules.
- Meaghan Westerik. Synthesis of an alginare-HRP-based biomaterial for forensic applications.
- Kyra Pratt. Accuracy study for bullet trajectory documentation using Recon-3D
- Alexa-Maude Beaudin. Documentation of footwear impression evidence using portable structured light scanning.
15th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2023
Mock Crime Scene Practicum- Audree Alarie
- Vinushan Arunagiri
- Isha Batia
- Kalea Dixon
- Lauren Jenkins
- Sukhneet Mand
- Mercedez Pedersen
- Jesse Plante
- Samer Seety
- Jawaria Shaheen
- Micheal Snea
Directed Studies
- Dhrumik Patel. Comprehensive literature review on direct analysis in real-time mass-spectrometry (DART-MS) for analysis of seized drugs.
- Harsika Thavaseelan. Probabilistic genotyping expert evidence in Canadian courts.
Thesis Project
- Autumn Steele. Asessment of bone defleshing techniques and identification of animal remains.
- Shaijieni Kannan. Characterizing a blood spatter impact device for practical research and training.
- Tristan Rajanayagam & Roxanne Kerr. Identification of recent versus habitual wearer of clothing through DNA analysis & Transfer and persistence of trace DNA on recently and habitually worn clothing,
- Mark Luciano. Evaluation of DNA degradation in embalmed tissues over time.
- Thureka Gopalasingam. Exogenous DNA under fingernails from non-scratching events.
- Shaelyn Maloney & Mariam Shamsi. Preliminary exploration of automotive carpet fibres for the development of a forensic database in Canada: An in-depth view of optical characteristics by polarized light microscopy & Preliminary exploration of automotive carpet fibres for the development of a forensic database in Canada: By discrimination of fibre populations based on cross-sectional shapes.
- Douglas Mena Espinoza & Anuran Chandrakumar. Footwear impression evidence: A comparison between 2D and 3D documentation techniques.
- Kyra Mackenzie & Filip Sankiewicz. Preparedness of the Ontario criminal justice system to accept evaluative reporting in forensic DNA & forensic chemistry testimony.
- Daisee Lubrin. Synthesis and application of oligonucleotide bound alignate materials.
14th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2022
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
- Ashley Brito
- Jia Ying Chau
- Breha Gassmann
- Nirujan Gnanendran
- Rachel Melnichuk
- Farizeh Minawi
- Ameerah Ngai
- Nathaniel Peacock-Bowen
- Antonio Peluso
- Walker Rea
- Liv Wilson
- Emma Zomer
Directed Studies
- Lilah Hosein. The Crossroads of Forensic Science and Forensic Psychology: How Behavioural and Evidentiary Analysis Predict Patterns Exhibited By Serial Killers
- Nathan Cunningham. Probabilistic Genotyping Expert Evidence in the USA
- Nimrah Saddal. Assessment of how Canadian Courts have Approached the Introduction of Probabilistic Genotyping
- Hannah Crowder. New Approaches to Forensic Fingerprint ‘Match’ Reporting
Thesis Project
- Stephanie Wilson. Land and Groove Impression Measurements: IBIS versus Manually Acquired
- Julia Harvey. Recovery of Footwear Impression Evidence Using Portable 3D Scanning Technologies
- Mikayla Higho. Development of Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Larvae Comparison when Reared on Over-the Counter-Drugs Known to be Used in Suicides
- Arani Maheswaran. Interactive Forensic Science Laboratory Platform for Undergraduate Forensic Science Students
- Talija Menegotto. Pedagogy Development Centered around Fire Investigation and Analysis
- Rishaun Newell and Lauren Song. Vehicle Carpet Fibre Database Creation for use in Criminal Investigations in Ontario
- Durgaa Ragavan. Transfer and Persistence of DNA on Clothing
- Adrian Santangelo. Accuracy of Impact Angle Determinations from Bullet Holes in Drywall Panels
- Tharnia Thavalis. Preparedness of the Ontario Criminal Justice System to Accept Evaluative Reporting in Forensic Expert Reporting and Testimony
- Alyssa Venditti. DNA Degradation Rate in Embalmed Tissue Over Time
- Shakada Marshall. Validation Study: Comparing GeneMapper™ and GeneMarker ™ STR Profile Data
- Islah Williams. Corrole Synthesis for Materials Science and Biological Applications
- Brayden Vale. Using Optical Profilometry to Investigate Changes in Surface Characteristics of Degrading Bloodstains
- Lelo Rampete. Effects of Extreme Temperatures on the UV-Vis Spectra of Dried Bloodstains
13th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2021
Directed Studies
- Cassandra Chase and Nicole Milner. Developing an Automobile Carpet Fibre Database for Ontario - Planning and Preparatory Work
- Samuel Goodfellow. A Review Paper on Footwear Impression Evidence: Where We Have Been, Where We Are, and Where We Are Walking Too
- Melissa Marois-St Aubyn. The Fairness and Effectiveness of Video Testimony in the Courts
- Hannah Bastien. Canadian Society of Forensic Science: Electronic Document Management
- Samantha Ringwood. The Canadian Society of Forensic Science: Supporting the Standing and Advisory Committees
Thesis Project
- Jawaid Amini1; Tavawn Graham1; Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 Assisting in Training Biologists to Provide Quality Forensic Biological Services for the West Bank and Gaza. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- Benoit Beaudoin1; Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 Valerie Blackmore, MSc.2 The Extraction and Analysis of Cannabis Products Addressing Both Industrial and Law Encorcement Needs. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2Wyndham Forensic Group
- Alyssa Nikkel1; Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 A World-Wide Industry Scan of Wildlife Forensic Testing. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- Trustin Li1; Brandon Matias1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1. The Development of Interactive Practical Curriculum for an Undergraduate Forensic Science Program. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- Rebecca Lobban1; Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 . Forensic Experts in Canadian Criminal Courts – A Critical and Statistical Analysis. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Victoria MacMillan1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1, Ryan Foley, MSc2, Tobin Tanaka3. The Application of Force Plate Technology for the Forensic Examination of Stamping Devices. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University 2Faculty of Health Science, Ontario Tech University 3Government of Canada - Canada Border Services Agency
- Muskan Vir1 ; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1; Tobin Tanaka2. Can a 3D Printed Rubber Stamp Recreate an Original Rubber Stamp Impression. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University 2Government of Canada - Canada Border Services Agency
- Earl Beleran1; Angela Skopyk, BSc1, Hélène LeBlanc, PhD.1 The Effects of Post-Mortem Interval (PMI) on Sus domesticus scrofus Concealed in Different Types of Vehicles 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Tulsi Rajani1; Angela Skopyk, BSc1, Hélène LeBlanc, PhD.1 Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Associated with the Decay of Sus scrofa domesticus. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Maryam Fakhori1; Theresa Stotesbury PhD1 . Volatile Organic Compounds Released from Degrading Bloodstains Created Using Bovine Blood. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
12th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2020
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
- Ryan Chan
- Candace Dawkins
- Cassandra Di Mascio
- Julienne Enriquez
- Karah Fountain
- Jennifer Lawrie
- Karen Leung
- Gagandeep Mundi
- Angel Wang
Directed Studies
- Kalan Burris. The application of chemical and physical enhancers for improving fingerprint quality on several substrates.
- Tomas De Melo. Understanding and minimizing the likelihood of trace DNA contamination from personal protective equipment in a forensic laboratory.
- Mike Fewkes. Forensic Entomotoxicology: Current Methodologies and Future Goals.
- Dalton Roberts. A Review of Different Presumptive Saliva Tests and their Application in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.
- Jathushan Vimalathasan. Factors to Consdier when Creating a Fibre Database.
Thesis Project
- Matthew Borsodi1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1, Det/Cst Desiree Hamid2. The Enhancement of Footwear Impressions Containing Salt Residue Using Silver Nitrate. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; 2Durham Regional Police Service, FIU
- Priscilla Burns1; Liam Hendrikse, MSc.2, Kimberly Nugent, MSc.1 Franco Gaspari, MSc, PhD.1 Using Momentum to Determine Serious Bodily Injury: An Experimental Study Using Pig Eyes.1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University, 2Firearms Consultant
- Chloe Chan1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1, Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 . Assessing Activity Level Propositions of Secondary Transfer of Saliva Determined by Phadebas® Press Test. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Jerika Ho1; Angela Skopyk, BSc1, Hélène N. LeBlanc, MSc, PhD, M-ABFE.1 Investigating Linkages Between Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Total Body Scoring (TBS), and the Stages of Decomposition in Adult Pigs. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Priya Kundun1, Theresa Stotesbury, PhD.1 Passive Drip Stain Formation on Ice Cold Surfaces. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Tania Naseer1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1, Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 Determining if Reasonable Inferences can be Established About the Initial Deposition of Saliva Through Phadebas ® Press Testing. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Kyle Penny1; Retired Det/Cst David Robertson1, Kimberly Nugent, MSc.1 Comparing the Effects of Different Writing Surfaces on Indentations Developed Using the Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (ESDA). 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Jayne White1; Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 . Assessing the use of Forensic Gunshot Residue Evidence in the Ontario Criminal Court System. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
11th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2019
Lord Ridgeback Mass Disaster Simulation Excercise
- Claudia Chu
- Natalie Cooper
- Robert Gattie
- Sarah Huxter
- Emily Lanos
- Zenia Leung
- Emilie Menegotti
- Tiffany Sinclair
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
- Niveth Chandrakumar
- Kevin Christian
- Blythe Elliott
- Brigitte Hadley
- Mykayla Jackson
- Andrew Motayne
- Josh Munro
- Ranusha Ravindranathan
- Mallory Rocco
- Bradley Semenick
- Elkin Valencia Riascos
- Leah Vincent
Directed Studies
- Oscar Tran. The Effects of Temperature, Body mass, and Trauma on the Rate and Pattern of Human Decomposition on Post-mortem Interval Estimations.
- Priya Singh. A Review of Cell Line Authentication: Techniques, Applications, and Legal
Implications - Lori Goggan. Drug Recognition Experts in Canada.
- Theebica Vasantharajan. The investigation of the effect of type of substrate, manner of contact and background
DNA on the transfer of DNA
Thesis Project
- Katelyn Allen1; Dalia Bagby, MSc.2 Review and Categorization of Centre of Forensic Sciences Fire Debris Cases. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University, 2Quality Assurance and Technical Manager, Centre of Forensic Sciences - Chemistry Section.
- Melanny Barrios1, Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 .Transfer of DNA from Polyester and Cotton Fabrics to a Metal Surface. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Gabrielle Caron1, Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 Assessing the use of expert DNA evidence on transfer and persistence by non-scientist justice system participants in Ontario criminal courts. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Ivy Haw1, Jayantha Herath MD, DLM, MD-Forensic, FRCPC-AP & FP2 .Retrospective Analysis of Domestic Homicides in Ontario (2012-2017). 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University, 2 Ontario Forensic Pathology Service.
- Kayla Treflik1, Yuri Bolshan, PhD.1 Natural Product Derivatization Toward Pest Control Efforts. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Julia Ivancic1, Hélène N. LeBlanc, MSc, PhD, M-ABFE.1 The Behavioural Response of Gravid Female Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to Specific Volatile Organic Compounds Released During Decomposition. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
- Kaitlyn Lemay1, Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.B, LL.M.1 Genetic Structures of the Ontario Population- Improving Allelic Databases. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University
- Kelsey Moore1, Franco Gaspari, MSc, PhD.1 Dynamics of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: An Investigation of Center of
Mass and Dual-Phase Projectile Motion. 1Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University.
10th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2018
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
- Marina Halim
- Jeremy Reader
- Alyssia Robichaud
- Kendra Rogers
- Camilla Szyszka
- Sarah Wildman
Directed Studies
- Tenecia Baptiste-Carmichael. Factors Affecting the Transfer and Persistence of DNA on Forensic Evidence
- Natalie D'Hollander. A Critical Review of Publicly Available Presumptive Tests for Common Substances Used in Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
Thesis Project
- Rachel Banks1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1; Cecilia Hageman, PhD, LL.B, LL.M1. Creation of a Textile Damage Image Library. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Leanna Calla, Sean Bohun, PhD.1, Hélène LeBlanc, PhD1. Decreasing PMI Uncertainty using a Simplified Heat Equation. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Ashley Cheung1, Eleanor McAnsh2. Performance Verification of Raman Spectroscopy for the Forensic Comparison of Reactively-dyed Cotton Fibres. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2Centre of Forensic Sciences.
- Autumn Collins1, Jean-Paul Desaulniers, PhD1. Synthesis of Uracil Phosphoramidites with Triazole Modified Backbones as siRNA Therapeutics for Gene Silencing. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Malak Elayas1; Det/Cst Desiree Hamid2. Visual Enhancement of Footwear Impressions Containing Salt Residue Using Silver Nitrate. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; 2Durham Regional Police Service, FIU
- Mirai Gendi1; Helene LeBlanc, PhD1. The Effect of Developmental Maturity of Female Blowfly Phormia Regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on EAG response to Decomposition Volatile
Organic Compounds. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology. - Michelle Haché1; David Ruddell, PhD2. An Examination of Gunshot Residue Sampling on Fabric using the Tape-Lift Method. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; 2Centre of Forensic Sciences
- Trista Heney1; Eugene Liscio, P. Eng.2 Accuracy and precision of a three-dimensional (3D) approach to the lead-in method and bullet trajectory reconstruction. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2President, AI2-3D
- Shannon Law1; Cecilia Hageman PhD, LL.M1; Jon Millman PhD2; Alison Morris M.S.F.S2. The Persistence of Post-Coital Male DNA on Vaginal and External Genitalia Swabs in Relation to Cases of Sexual Assault. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; 2Centre of Forensic Sciences
- Erin Lusk1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. The Validation and Calibration of a Portable Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Samantha Pontone1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. The Effects of Fire and Suppression Techniques on the Detection of Biological Fluids. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
2018 graduating class with Forensic Science faculty members
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9th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2017
Mock Crime Scene Practicum
- Brandon Chen
- Madeleine Lord
- Kamesha Persaud
Directed Studies
- Christopher Adair1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. Health Effects Associated with the Use Less-Lethal CEDs. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Nicole Crawford1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. The Challenges of an Underwater Crime Scene. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Janel B. Pangilinan1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. Human Chimeras and their Effects on Forensic Investigations and Relatedness Testing: A Literature Review. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Nicole Santos1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Careers Booklet. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Savannah Serrao1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. A Review of the Understanding of DNA Evidence by the Legal System. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Sarah Sime1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. A Comparison of Extraction Techniques for Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Mary Walker1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1. Forensic Science in Canada: An Overview. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Benjamin Wong1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. The Implications of DNA Evidence in Wrongful Convictions. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Thesis Project
- Chantelle Forbes1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1; Cecilia Hageman, PhD, LL.B, LL.M1. Direct and Indirect DNA Transfer in a Mock Crime Scenario. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Taryn Glazier1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1. Recovery of Trace DNA from Nitrile Gloves. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Julie Ly1; Hélène LeBlanc, PhD1. Electrophysiological Response of Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to Sus scrofa Cadaveric Volatile Organic Compounds. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Michele Pickles1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1. The Creation of a Searchable Electronic Natural and Synthetic Fibre Database. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Felicia Rodrigues1; Cecilia Hageman, PhD, LL.B, LL.M1; Valerie Blackmore, MSc2. Validation of Grimley Kinship Calculator. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology. 2President, Wyndham Forensic Group, Inc.
- Raven Schuett1; Cecilia Hageman, PhD, LL.B, LL.M1. Introducing Probabilistic Genotyping into a Forensic Science Undergraduate Program. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Brandon Ypma1; Andrew Groves Det/Cst2. Investigation of Document Alteration and Gunshot Residue Detection Using Reflective Ultraviolet and Infrared Photography Techniques. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology. 2Forensic Identification Unit, Durham Region Police Service
2017 graduating class
8th-annual Forensic Science Research Day - 2016
Directed Studies
- Allison Campbell1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. Fingerprint Dating as Evidence in the Court of Law. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Oluwatosin Kuponiyi1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. A Summary and Comparison of the Effects of Ketamine on the Development of Insects (Diptera: Calliphoridae). 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Jesse Mcdonald1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. Canine Scavenging and the Effect of Grave Depth. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Neruson Murugesamoorthy1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. A Comparison of Software Used for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Jasmine Sinitoski1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. Forensic and Legal Significance of DNA in Fingernail Samples. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Haille Thompson1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. The Role of DNA Analysis in Wrongful Convictions. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Lindsey Weese1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. A Literature Review of Fraudulent Passport Examination.rensic Science in Canada: An Overview. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Fathima Usama1; Nelson M. Lafrenière, PhD1. A Comparative Review of Commonly Used Presumptive Blood Tests. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Thesis Project
- Tayler Andonovski1; Michael Corbett, PhD, LL.M.2. Investigation of Sample Requirements of Selected Breath Alcohol Test Devices and Instruments. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology. 2Chemical Review Services, Inc.
- Heather Burgess1; Stacey Sainte-Marie, MSc1; Kimberly Nugent, MSc1. A Comparison of Protocols to Optimize DNA Yield from Fetal and Adult Skeletal Sus scrofa Remains. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
- Philip Chieu1; Eleanor McAnsh2. Validation of Fluorescence Microspectrophotometry for the Discrimination of Textile Fibres. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2Centre of Forensic Sciences.
- Mohannad Hassan1; Det. Jim Aquin2; Lieah Crust2. The Use of Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red Light in the Examination of Forensic Evidence using DSLR Photography. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology. 2Forensic Identification Unit, Durham Region Police Service
- Michael Kuczuk1; Barbara Reid2; Diana Polley, MSc2. Evaluation of the procedure for mRNA profiling utilizing HRM analysis. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2Biology Section, Centre of Forensic Sciences.
- Daniyel Pelletier1; Ismail Gultepe, PhD2; Sean Bohun, PhD1; Hélène LeBlanc, PhD1. The Investigation of Temperature Data at Different Elevations for Use in Criminal Investigation. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology. 2Environment Canada
- Shirley Thang1; Cecilia Hageman, PhD, LL.B, LL.M1. The Assessment of the Presence of Saliva in Public Places. 1Faculty of Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
2016 graduating class