Milko E. van der Boom

Head of the Organic Chemistry Department
The Bruce A. Pearlman Professional Chair in Synthetic Organic Chemistry.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Milko E. van der Boom received his B.Sc. degree (1992) from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, and an M.Sc. degree (1994) in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam (with Prof. Kees Elsevier). He earned his Ph.D. degree with distinction in 1999 from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel (with Prof. David Milstein). After 3 years of postdoctoral research with Prof. Tobin J. Marks at Northwestern University in the United States, he became a Faculty member in the Weizmann Institute's Department of Organic Chemistry.
His interdisciplinary materials chemistry research focuses on metalloorganic-oriented synthetic and mechanistic studies. His main interests spanning around various aspects of Molecular Assemblies aiming at a priori design of molecule-based materials with a set of predetermined properties and/or functions. He is the author of > 160 publications with more than 4000 citations.
Prof. van der Boom's prizes and honours include Adama Prize for Technological Innovation by the Israel Chemical Society; Alon Fellowship from the Israel Council for Higher Education, the Henri Gutwirth Prize from the Technion, and the Israel Chemistry Society's Prize for Excellent Young Chemists. He is the first incumbent and current holder of the Bruce A. Pearlman Professional Chair in Synthetic Organic Chemistry.