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Student Success Stories

Brittany Kondo"My experience at Ontario Tech University has been academically rewarding. As a student enrolled in the Digital Media specialization, I have had the opportunity to learn the latest technical skills, such as development for mobile devices and interactive web-based applications. The small class sizes enable students to closely interact with instructors. Professors at Ontario Tech offer enriching research positions to students, which has personally led me to pursue Graduate Studies."

- Brittany Kondo, BSc Computing Science, class of 2012; finalist for the 2012 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship; MSc Computer Science, class of 2014; currently employed as an Interaction Designer at Uncharted Software. 

"My time studying at Ontario Tech University remains a key component of who I am. The Computer Science program has taught me to fundamentally approach, evaluate and solve problems. The interaction with the professors and their sincere desire for my success was truly invaluable. As a direct result of their encouragement, I completed a 16-month work term at IBM. While there, I was able to apply and build upon what I had been taught. With both classroom and related work experience, I was able to secure a permanent position with a company when I graduate. Overall, I feel my time at Ontario Tech was a worthwhile investment for both personal and professional development."

- Jon Elliott, BSc Computing Science, class of 2011; currently a  Senior Developer at the CPP Investment Board.

Jordan Stadler"I was drawn to Ontario Tech University as it is a technology-driven university offering programs to match the technology-rich society in which we live today. Ontario Tech continues to provide education that is current, and I have had the opportunity to work closely and on a personal level with a number of professors. This is one of the reasons I have chosen to continue my education here at Ontario Tech beyond the undergraduate level."

- Jordan Stadler, BSc Computing Science, class of 2012;  MSc Computer Science, class of 2014; currently employed as a Manager of Software Development at Inscape.


“The research opportunities I had while doing my degree gave me an advantage while applying to graduate school. Upon graduating from Ontario Tech University, I started my master’s degree at the University of Toronto along with a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) scholarship. My Ontario Tech research experience has been invaluable in kick-starting my academic career.”

– Michael Mior, BSc Computing Science, class of 2009; graduated with an MSc Computer Science from University of Toronto in 2011; worked as a Senior Web Developer at Bunch Inc. and at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; graduated with a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in 2018; currently employed as an Assistant Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.