Dean's welcome

Welcome to the Faculty of Science at Ontario Tech University.
It seems strange to be offering this welcome message as I only just arrived on campus Sept 1, myself. However, having grown up in Scugog Township, it seems like a cyclical journey home for me. Graduating from Port Perry High School in the late 1980s, the idea of attending a world class university close to home was a dream. I went away to university and experienced all of the challenges that go along with that move. This past summer I made the decision to close my 20-year career at the University of Saskatchewan to take on the role of Dean of the Faculty of Science at Ontario Tech. Just like you, whether you are a prospective student, the parent of a student, or a potential employee, it was a huge decision for me. A jump from the familiar to the unknown, from comfort to challenge. But the fantastic group of professors and staff in the Faculty of Science, the university’s excellent reputation, and its clear vision for the future convinced me to leap. It has been a great start, and I am very happy with my decision. Hopefully we can convince you that Ontario Tech Science is the place for you, too. I know that if you talk with our graduates, they will say amazing things about their experience here.
In 2024, Ontario Tech provides world class education and research opportunities across a broad range of programs, in a student focused environment. If you are interested in understanding the world around you through a scientific perspective, want to learn to use math and computers to solve problems, want to learn how to apply scientific techniques to solve crimes, or are curious about the cosmos beyond the Earth, we have programs for you. Most of our programs include options for co-op training and internships in addition to on campus academic supports. Check out our programs in the Faculty of Science and the information required on how to apply to Ontario Tech. Please drop by and check out our amazing campus for yourself. We can arrange tours and have open houses in the fall and winter. I hope you will be as impressed as I am.
Looking forward to seeing you in Oshawa.
Ken Wilson