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Materials Science

Materials Science is an exciting, multi-disciplinary field that investigates matter and materials across a broad range of scales, interactions and applications. From nanotechnology to biomaterials, materials scientists develop new materials and techniques, and improve existing ones. To meet the demand for researchers and scientists in this field, Ontario Tech University and Trent University jointly offer the Materials Science PhD and MSc programs.

Designed for graduates of science or engineering programs who want a career in interdisciplinary research, the Materials Science graduate programs enable you to develop knowledge and research experience at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology and engineering.

Our program emphasizes core science and an emphasis on the development of science communication skills. This program will also engage you in hands-on, fundamental materials research. The focus on basic science will give graduates the flexibility to stay on top of their field and to move into emerging areas of research. This program will be attractive to you if you are interested in moving directly into the industry or public sector.

At its core, this program is interdisciplinary. It will bring together students and faculty with a diverse range of interests and backgrounds. This program is built around two core multi-disciplinary courses, which provide you with a solid grounding in the fundamentals of materials science research. In addition, the thesis component of the degree affords you an opportunity for in-depth study of a particular problem in materials science. You will undertake thesis research under the guidance of a thesis advisor and a multi-disciplinary team of faculty from Ontario Tech University and Trent University. 

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