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Science Café

Science Cafe poster

Winter 2023 sessions:

Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics

Mondays: 12:30-2:30pm
Wednesdays: 2:00-4:00pm

What is the Science Café?

The Science Café is a program developed by the Faculty of Science at Ontario Tech University to provide additional academic support and mentorship to undergraduate Science students. This space is also for students looking to meet and connect with other Science students and Teaching Assistants (T.A.s).

How does Science Café work?

For the Fall 2021 semester, the Science Café with be delivered virtually through Canvas. No registration is required, so students can virtually drop-by at any point during the scheduled sessions times. Our Science Café T.A.s are available to help as needed, whether it is on a one-on-one basis or in small collaborative groups. 

What courses does the Science Café assist with?

Our TAs are able to provide support with undergraduate Science courses in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics and Computer Science.

Why should I attend the Science Café?

The Science Café provides you with weekly opportunities to review and stay on top of course material, with the advantage of having T.A.s to guide you and provide support as needed. This is also a great space for collaborative work!