Faculty of Science academic policies
Forms referred to in this section can be found on the Science Academic Advising page, under student forms on the Office of the Registrar's website, or under the OT Documents tab in MyCampus.
Please consult the Academic regulations section in the Academic Calendar for other important university policies and procedures.
Academic honesty
Except for exams and tests, it is assumed that you can discuss problems and assignments among yourselves, with tutors and the professor as long as what you turn in is your own work. In other words, discussions are part of the learning process; once you learn how to approach a problem, you are expected to solve it yourself, write up your own submission, and that is what you turn in. It is dishonest to turn in as your own any work which has been copied from the work of someone else.
Tests and exams
All tests and exams are written individually. You are not permitted to talk or to share materials (papers, calculators) during the exam. In some cases you will be assigned to a specific exam room and/or seat; it is considered suspicious for any student to attempt to write in a different room or to move to any seat other than the seat to which (s)he is assigned. You are not permitted to have any prohibited material on your person in any form while writing an examination. This includes, but is not limited to notes or papers of any kind, exam aids not authorized for the exam, etc.
Please remember that you must present your student ID at every exam or you may be prevented from writing the exam.
Any suspicious act will be investigated in accordance with the university's Policy on Academic Conduct, which is located in the Academic regulations section of the Academic Calendar. Please carefully read the material in this section and seek clarification from the appropriate academic advisor if necessary.
Policy for Religious Observances
It is Faculty of Science policy to provide special consideration for recognized holy days that may be observed by our students. Though not all holy days require students to be absent from school, accommodations may still be necessary in some cases. As a student, it is your responsibility to check the dates for all course work and exams on a regular basis and notify the Science Academic Advising office per the options below. An Academic Consideration Form must be submitted in all instances by the indicated deadline.
- If the holy day will conflict with scheduled labs and tutorials, you must submit documentation to the Senior Lab Instructor or Course Instructor at least seven working days before the scheduled meeting time of the lab or tutorial.
- If the holy day will conflict with the due date for an assignment, you must submit documentation to the Course Instructor at least seven working days before the due date.
- If the holy day will conflict with in-term tests/midterm exams, you must submit documentation to the Science Academic Advising office at least seven working days prior to the date of the test/midterm exam.
- If the holy day will conflict with the final examinations, you must submit documentation and an Application for Deferred Final Examination form to the Office of the Registrar at least 15 working days prior to the first day of the final examination period as per the Final Exams Policy below.
Failure to contact the appropriate person by the deadline will result in special consideration not being granted. The Academic Consideration and Deferred Final Examination forms can be accessed through the student forms page.
Term marks
Make sure you log in to the course Canvas site often to check your term grades. If you are unsure your grades have been calculated correctly, or you suspect a grade for a specific piece of term work is missing, you must contact the course instructor immediately and no later than the last day of classes for clarification.
Final grades
Official grades are released by the Office of the Registrar only; your final grades cannot be released by anyone else. Please do not contact your instructor for this information. Grades will be posted in accordance with the Grading section of the academic calendar.
Your final exam grades will not be posted, but you will be able to infer your grade based on your posted final grade and your term work grades. If, after having checked your grades, you want to check that your Science course grades were calculated correctly, you should email the course instructor with a list of the grades you think you should have to request clarification.
Viewing final exams
Solutions to final exams will usually not be posted. If you need to see your final exam for a Science course, please refer to the course information for your specific instructor's final exam view procedure. Students wishing to view their final exam must follow the procedures outlined by the course instructor in the course syllabus. If the procedure has not been communicated, students must contact the course instructor directly to submit a written request no later one week (seven days) after the release of final grades for that semester, stating why they would like to view the exam. Reasons may include:
- To calculate the final numeric grade (in cases where it is difficult to infer).
- To determine which items of the course material gave you the most difficulty.
Each instructor will specify the method through which the written request should be submitted. There is no fee associated with viewing a final exam.
Students will have 15 minutes to look over their final exam. Only the use of a calculator is permitted during the exam view appointment. No writing instruments, cell phones or other electronic devices will be permitted. Missed exam view appointments will not be rescheduled.
Note: This is an opportunity for students to view their answers and see where any mistakes were made. As per the university's policy, unless a clerical error has occurred, instructors may not make changes to the final grade awarded in a course as a result of an exam view. If, after viewing the final exam script, you wish to dispute the final grade awarded, you will need to submit for a Final Grade Appeal through the Registrar's office. Please see the Academic calendar for more information on final grade reappraisals and appeals or contact the Science Advising office.
Missed work - tests/exams, assignments, labs and tutorials
If you have already written or submitted a test, quiz, or other term work, you cannot receive consideration for your performance on it after the fact, regardless of the reason for your performance.
When a student has sufficient grounds for special consideration (such as documented illness or death in the family), the normal policy in the Faculty of Science for any missed in-term work is to re-weight the remaining work in the course to account for the missing grade, in accordance with the regulations given below for term tests, quizzes, assignments, labs and tutorials. Students who do not provide sufficient grounds, will receive a grade of zero for the missed work.
There are no make-up midterm exams, tests, quizzes or assignments, but it is sometimes possible to make up missed labs or tutorials.
Please refer to the course outlines posted on Canvas for course specific policies.
Course assignments
If you miss any Science assignment (e.g. weekly assignment, term paper deadline or quiz) due to illness or a death in the family, you must submit appropriate documentation (e.g. Academic Consideration Form) to the course instructor indicated on the Canvas site for the course within three work days of missing the work. Please include any supporting documentation, if available, with your submission.
If you know in advance that you may not be able to complete an assignment or other work (e.g. due to a death in the family), you must contact the course instructor at least two working days before the posted deadline. If you are unsure of the information required or whom you should contact, please contact the Science Academic Advising office immediately. There are special deadlines for varsity athletics and religious observances, as outlined in the appropriate sections of this policy statement. For these circumstances, you must follow the correct deadlines.
Failure to submit the appropriate documentation and contact the correct instructor by the deadline will result in a zero grade for the assignment.
For courses with laboratories, you are required to perform a minimum number of labs in order to pass the course, regardless of any documented reason(s). Failure to complete this minimum number of labs (even for medical reasons) will result in a grade of F for the course.
If you miss a Science lab due to illness or a death in the family, you must submit appropriate documentation (e.g. Academic Consideration form) to the Senior Lab Instructor (SLI) indicated on the Canvas site for the course within three working days of missing the lab. Consult with the SLI or course instructor immediately upon your return to school in order to investigate the possibility of making up the missed lab. If you know in advance that you may not be able to complete a lab (e.g., due to a death in the family), you must contact the SLI at least two working days prior to the lab.
It is your responsibility to check the Canvas site for information and to determine which instructor you need to contact. If you are unsure of the information, please contact the Science Academic Advising office immediately.
Failure to submit the appropriate documentation, contact the correct instructor, follow instructions, and meet the deadlines will result in a zero grade for the missed lab.
If you miss a Science tutorial due to illness or a death in the family, you must submit appropriate documentation (e.g. Academic Consideration form) to the course instructor or Senior Lab Instructor (SLI) indicated on the Canvas site for the course within three working days of missing the tutorial. Consult with the SLI or course instructor immediately upon your return to school to investigate the possibility of making up the missed tutorial.
If you know in advance that you may not be able to complete a tutorial (e.g., due to a death in the family), you must contact the course instructor or SLI at least two working days prior to the tutorial.
It is your responsibility to check the Canvas site for information and to determine which instructor you need to contact. If you are unsure of the information, please contact the Science Academic Advising office immediately.
Failure to submit the appropriate documentation, contact the correct instructor, follow instructions, and meet the deadlines will result in a zero grade for the missed tutorial.
Term tests (midterms)
If you miss a Science midterm due to illness or a death in the family, you must submit appropriate documentation (e.g. Academic Consideration form) to the Science Academic Advising office within three working days of missing the midterm. Please include any supporting documentation, if available, with your submission.
If you are aware in advance that you cannot write a midterm, you must discuss this with the Science Academic Advising office and the instructor of the course at least two working days before you are scheduled to write it. Exceptions to this deadline include varsity athletics, religious observances and test-course conflicts that have different deadlines, as noted in the appropriate sections of this policy statement.
Failure to submit the appropriate documentation by the correct deadline will result in a zero grade for the test.
Final exams
If you miss or anticipate missing a final exam in a Science course you must obtain the appropriate supporting documentation (e.g Academic Consideration form) and complete the Application for Deferred Final Examinations form.
All forms and documentation must then be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the Application for Deferred Final Examination deadline. The deadlines are as follows:
- For missed exams due to illness or other unanticipated reasons the deadline is three working days after the date of the scheduled examination (e.g. if the exam was on a Monday, the deadline would be Thursday).
- For exam conflicts or situations where the student knows in advance they are unable to write, such as religious observances, the deadline is at least 15 working days prior to the first day of the final examination period.
- If you are not sure whether your circumstances warrant special consideration, you should speak to the Academic Advising office immediately. Failure to submit the appropriate documentation by the deadline may result in a zero grade for the exam.
All deferred final examinations for Science exams will be written during the Deferred Examination period. The Deferred Examination period will normally fall no later than the week before the first week of classes in the next academic term; students are expected to be prepared to write at that time (e.g. December deferred exams are written before classes begin in January). Students must notify the Office of the Registrar on their Application for Deferred Final Examinations of any reason why they may not be able to write at that time. The Office of the Registrar will contact all students via email to inform them of the decision.
Note: Students who have legitimate grounds for missing a test/exam should not write the exam expecting to later decide whether or not the exam will count. If you choose to write an exam under any circumstances, the decision is irreversible. If you are concerned about your ability to perform on the exam, you should speak to the Science Academic Advising office about your options in advance of the exam.
Test and exam conflicts
Term tests (midterms)
If a scheduled midterm exam in a Science course will conflict with another test or a course, you must contact the Science Academic Advising office at least seven working days before the date of the exam. Special early exam arrangements may be made under these circumstances if the student applies by the deadline.
Final exams
The final exam schedule is posted on MyCampus. It is the student's responsibility to check the schedule carefully and to note any conflicts.
If you have any exam conflicts, you must notify the Office of the Registrar right away (note one exception below). There are two types of conflicts:
- Two exams at the same time: The Office of the Registrar will arrange for you to write one of the exams earlier or later on the same day in the conflict room.
- Three exams in a 24-hour period: The Registrar's office will contact the faculty responsible for the middle exam and you will need to apply for a deferred exam. To do so, you will need to follow the Deferred Examination Application process as outlined above.
Varsity Student Policy
The Faculty of Science encourages students to take part in all manner of extracurricular activities on campus. Although we know the Athletics department makes a concerted effort to schedule games and provincial commitments outside of class time, there are instances when student-athletes representing the school will have varsity events that will conflict with class time.
As a student-athlete, it is your responsibility to make your studies a priority. As outlined at the Varsity Student-Athlete Manual, student-athletes are expected to provide confirmation of their participation in varsity athletic competitions by completing the letter provided by the Athletics department and submitting a copy to all instructors and the Academic Advising office by the published deadline. In addition to this letter, you must submit a schedule highlighting potential conflicts with term work and exams.
It is your responsibility to check the dates for all course work and exams on a regular basis and to notify your instructor and the Science Academic Advising office of any conflict within three working days of the date of the exam or assignment being posted. Failure to do so may result in special consideration not being granted.
MATH 1000U/PHY 1030U and MATH 1010U/PHY 1010U
MATH 1000 and PHY 1030 (Introduction to Calculus and Introduction to Physics): These courses need to be taken in combination and are designed for those students who either don't have calculus from high school or don't feel particularly comfortable with the calculus material (e.g. if you received a D grade in Grade 12 Calculus). This combination can also be taken by any student who would like to review the calculus material, even if you have a background in calculus.
By the end of the term, all students who take this course sequence will be prepared to move on to the Winter courses MATH 1020 and PHY 1020 or PHY 1040 with exactly the same background as the students who take MATH 1010 and PHY 1010; there is no disadvantage. One point to note for students in Biological Science (including Life Science) and Forensic Science: PHY 1030 labs and some of the lectures will have a focus on many biological applications, so you may find the PHY 1030 course more interesting and relevant to your chosen area of study.
MATH 1010 and PHY 1010 (Calculus I and Physics I): These courses need to be taken in combination and are designed for those students who have calculus from high school and feel comfortable with the calculus material (Engineering students must take these courses but Science students have a choice). By the end of the term, all students who take this course sequence will be prepared to move on to the Winter courses MATH 1020 and PHY 1020 or PHY 1040 with exactly the same background as the students who take MATH 1000 and PHY 1030. PHY 1010 labs will have a focus on many physical science applications (chemistry, physics and engineering).
Science course conflicts