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Applied Bioscience

The primary objective of the Applied Bioscience (APBS) program is to train students to become high-quality researchers at the interface between chemistry and biology. The program will equip students with a wide array of both practical and conceptual scientific skills that will prepare them for leadership roles in the life sciences. These goals will be achieved through independent research and rigorous interdisciplinary coursework. The program will bring together students and faculty from a variety of scientific backgrounds, which will further enrich the learning experience of the students. In keeping with the university's strategic plan, research will be aimed at creating innovations that will improve the lives of Canadians.

Our unique graduate program platform will lead to the degree of Master of Science (MSc) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Bioscience. Our programs capitalize on the faculty’s current research expertise, which is reflected in the four fields of the MSc and PhD programs:

  • Biomolecular Science
  • Ecosystem Health
  • Forensic Bioscience
  • Human Health Biology

We are committed to helping our students receive an exceptional educational and scientific experience, and become highly skilled scientists. If you have any questions regarding our graduate program, please email Dario Bonetta, PhD, Director, APBS graduate program. It is highly recommended that students contact potential supervisors prior to applying to the program.

Note: To be formally accepted into the APBS program, you must submit a formal application to the university's School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and fulfil all requirements. Please see the applications deadline page on the university's Graduate Studies page. 

To learn more about our graduate program, please browse our website or download our brochure. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Dr. Dario Bonetta
Graduate Program Director, Applied Bioscience