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SHARCNET past seminars

Past Seminars

  • 2015

    Mutation Forecaster, a Software Resource for Genome-Scale Analysis of Complete Genes and Human Genomes
    Peter Rogan, PhD, Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Genome Bioinformatics, Department of Biochemistry and Department of Computer Science, Western University (March 11, 2015).

    UNIX Wizardry for Data and Scientific Computing (February 11, 2015).

    Data analytics for sustainability
    Lukasz Golab, PhD, Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and School of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (January 14, 2015).

    Hocus-Pocus Computing (HPC) and Scientific Inquiry
    AJ Guillon, Computer Scientist, YetiWare Inc. (January 28, 2015).
  • 2014

    Aspects of Sequence Analysis to Discover Biological Principles
    Brian Golding, McMaster University (November 26, 2014).

    Simulation of structure and dynamics in the disordered micelle regime of a diblock copolymer melt
    Robert Wickham, University of Guelph (November 12, 2014).

    Distributed Computing Methods for Large-Scale Health-care Decision Making
    Dionne M. Aleman, University of Toronto (October 22, 2014).

    Simulating Photoinitiated Molecular Dynamics with Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry
    Michael Schuurman, National Research Council of Canada (October 15, 2014).

    Atomistic Insights Into Mechanical Behaviour of Two-Dimensional Material
    Chandra Veer Singh, University of Toronto (September 24, 2014).

    Computational Imaging from the Microscopic to the Megaparse
    Peter Klages, PhD, University of Toronto (September 10, 2014).

    Building Asimov's Foundation
    Kenton White, PhD, University of Ottawa (April 11, 2014).

    Ångström-Scale Chemically-Powered Motors Propelled With OpenCL on GPUs
    Peter Colberg, University of Toronto (March 28, 2014).

    Parallel High-Order Adaptive Mesh Refinement Finite-Volume Schemes for Multi-Scale Physically-Complex Flows
    Clinton Groth, University of Toronto (March 14, 2014).

    Computational nanobiophysics: Exploring the intersection of biophysics and nanotechnology via simulations
    Hendrick de Haan, PhD, Ontario Tech University (February 28, 2014).

    Spaun: The World's First Simulated Brain Capable of Performing Cognitive Tasks
    Terry Stewart, PhD, Waterloo University (January 24, 2014).
  • 2013

    Moving-Mesh Hydrodynamics in my Spare Time
    Alex Razoumov, Ontario Tech University (November 14, 2013).

    An Agent-Based Model for Bank Formation and Interbank Networks
    Matheus Grasselli, PhD, McMaster University (November 7, 2013).

    Optimal Decision Algorithms Implemented in Brain Circuitry: An Exemplary Convergence of Theory, Behaviour and Neurophysiology
    Dominic Standage, PhD, Queen's University (October 3, 2013).

    Machine Learning in Online Display Advertising
    Wenying Feng, PhD, Trent University (September 26, 2013).

    Recent Progress In Transitional Shear Turbulence
    Lennaert van Veen, PhD, Ontario Tech University (April 4, 2013).

    Virology In Silico: Growing Infections In A Computer
    Catherine Beauchemin, Ryerson University (March 21, 2013).

    Numerical Analysis Of Delay Equations With Applications
    Felicia Magpantay, York University (March 7, 2013).

    Large-Scale Scientific Signal Processing with GStreamer
    Kipp Cannon, PhD, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (February 7, 2013).

    Nanostructured Materials And Devices For Renewable Energy: Theory And Computation
    Isaac Tamblyn, Ontario Tech University (January 24, 2013).

    The SOSCIP Consortium – What is It and How can you Leverage?
    Shannon O’Connor and Dominic Lam, IBM (January 10, 2013).
  • 2012

    Why would I use GPUs?
    Pawel Pomorski, University of Waterloo/SHARCNet (November 23, 2012).

    Simulation-based Studies of the Dynamics of Liquid Crystalline Domains
    Nasser Mohieddin Abukhdeir, PhD, University of Waterloo (November 9, 2012).

    Data Mining for Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities
    Sabine McConnell, Assistant Professor, Department of Computing and Information Systems, Trent University (October 26, 2012).

    What can we learn from theoretical modeling of macromolecules interacting with membranes?
    Jeff Chan, University of Waterloo (October 12, 2012).

    High-performance computing algorithms for autocorrelation problems
    Ilias Kotsireas, PhD, Department of Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University (September 28, 2012).

    Numerical Computation in Insurance Fraud Auditing
    Fletcher Lu, PhD, Ontario Tech University, Faculty of Business and Information Technology (September 14, 2012).

    Adaptive Time-Sepping in the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications
    Silvana Ilie, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario (April 12, 2012).

    Knowledge Discovery Using Matrix Decompositions
    David Skillicorn, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (March 23, 2012).

    The Einstein Toolkit: From Black Holes to Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Erik Schnetter, Perimeter Institute (March 9, 2012).

    From Neurons to Nodes -- Mesoscale Graphs in the Brain
    Mark Daley, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario (February 10, 2012).

    Numerical Modelling of Planetary Dynamos 
    Sabine Stanley, University of Toronto, Ontario (January 13, 2012).
  • 2011

    SHARCNET Anniversary
    Michael Owen, PhD, SHARCNET board member and Associate Provost, Research, Ontario Tech University; Hugh Couchman, SHARCNET Scientific Director (December 6, 2011).

    Numerical Studies of Black Holes
    Harald Pfeiffer, Affiliation: Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics University of Toronto, Ontario (November 22, 2011).

    Information Distance from A Question to An Answer
    Ming Li, Canada Research Chair in Bioinformatics, University of Waterloo, Ontario (November 8, 2011).

    An introduction to discretization and analysis of PDEs with PETSc
    Kevin Green/Lennaert van Veen, Ontario Tech University (October 25, 2011).

    Large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow and bluff-body flow using HPC
    Isaac Ye (SHARCNET/York) (October 11, 2011).

    Extending GMRES to Nonlinear Optimization: Application to Tensor Approximation
    Hans de Sterck, University of Waterloo, Ontario (September 27, 2011).

    Statistical convergence of equilibrium properties from massive sampling
    Chris Neale, Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto, and Molecular Structure and Function program, The Hospital for Sick Children (April 15, 2011).

    GPU computing with OpenCL
    Alex Razoumov, PhD, SHARNET/Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University (April 1, 2011).

    First-principles molecular dynamic for dummies: what can we get playing supercomputer games with atoms and chemical bonds?
    Anatoli Chkrebtii, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University (March 18, 2011).

    Optimal Distributed Beamforming for Two-Way Relay Networks
    Shahram Shahbazpanahi, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech University (March 4, 2011).

    Computational Exploration of New Polyatomic Systems
    Fedor Naumkin, PhD, Ontario Tech University.

    Modelling Soft Materials in Nano- and Microscales
    Mikko Karttunen, PhD, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario (February 11, 2011).

    Molecular-Level Prediction of Aqueous Electrolyte Thermodynamics
    Filip Moucka, PhD, Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University (January 28, 2011).

    Modelling disorder in strongly correlated materials
    Bill Atkinson, PhD, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario (January 13, 2011).
  • 2010

    An Introduction to Compressive Sensing
    Dhavide Aruliah, PhD, Ontario Tech University (April 16, 2010).

    High-Performance Computing (MCSC 6030G) Course Projects
    Alex Dubitski and Gavin Lobo, Ontario Tech University (March 26, 2010).

    Visualizing Linguistic Data: Scaling up to HPC
    Christopher Collins, PhD, SHARCNET Research Chair in Information Visualization, Ontario Tech University (March 19, 2010).

    Computing cosmos: some of the challenges of computational astrophysics
    Alex Razoumov, PhD, Ontario Tech University and SHARCNET (March 5, 2010).

    Surfing the Novae: Computational combustion and fluid instabilities in Astrophysics
    Jonathan Dursi, PhD, University of Toronto, Ontario (February 26, 2010).

    The Challenging Task to Simulate the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies
    Robyn Levine, PhD, University of Toronto, Ontario (February 12, 2010).

    Introduction to Parallel Scientific Computing, with a Live Demonstration of a Portable Supercomputer
    David McCaughan, University of Guelph/SHARCNET (February 5, 2010).

    On the Application of Multi-Objective Parallel Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization to Engineering Design Problems
    Robin McDougall, Ontario Tech University (January 29, 2010).

    Parallel and Matrix-free Computation of 2D Invariant Manifolds and Application to Shear Turbulence
    Lennaert van Veen, PhD, Ontario Tech University (January 22, 2010).