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PhD degree requirements

For the PhD program, you must complete the following:

  • APBS 6010G Research in Applied Bioscience (three credits)
  • One of the following special topics courses:
    • APBS 7100G Special Topics in Biomolecular Science (three credits)
    • APBS 7200G Special Topics in Ecosystem Health (three credits)
    • APBS 7300G Special Topics in Forensic Bioscience (three credits)
  • One of the following elective courses:
    • APBS 6100G Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology (three credits)
    • APBS 6200G Environmental Determinants of Health (thre credits)
    • APBS 6300G Advanced Topics in Biological Chemistry (three credits)
    • APBS 6400G Advanced Topics in Forensic Bioscience (three credits)
  • APBS 7040G PhD Thesis Proposal and Qualifying Exam
  • APBS 7050G Research Seminar in Applied Bioscience
  • APBS 7060G PhD Research
  • APBS 7070G PhD Dissertation

Note: If you transfer directly from the Applied Bioscience MSc program into the PhD program, you must complete the APBS 7040G, APBS 7050G, APBS 7060G, APBS 7070G.

Minimum grade

Students must achieve a minimum grade of B- (70 per cent) to achieve credit for a course and must maintain a B- average to remain in the program.

For more details on the policies for graduate studies at Ontario Tech University, please visit the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website.