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Computer Science Seminar Series

Computer Science Seminars


The Computer Science Seminar Series was created in 2009-2010 and features invited speakers from all areas of computing. In addition to invited speakers, the seminar series also features students and faculty associated with our university's Computer Science graduate programs.

The goal of the seminar series is to promote a culture of collaboration and research excellence at the university. Seminars are (typically) held monthly, in-person, and are scheduled to take place Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (this may vary depending on the visiting presenter’s schedule) in the Science Building, Room 4170 or in the Software & Informatics Research Centre (SIRC), Room 2020. If you have any questions or requests, please contact the Seminar Series Coordinator Prof. Bill Kapralos (

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Our university's Computer Science graduate students and faculty automatically receive seminar announcements by email. Other members of the university community or members of the public may subscribe to the Computer Science Seminar mailing list.