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Student clubs

  • ACM-W Student Chapter
  • Hack Club (previously Computer Science Society)

    Learn more about the Hack Club!

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  • Forensic Science Student Association

    The Forensic Science Student Association (formally the Forensic Science Society) is a student run club at Ontario Tech University. All those with an interest in the field of Forensic Science are welcome to join our society! Our goal is to provide students interested in Forensic Science, whether in the program or not, an opportunity to voice their interests at our meetings, and to open dialogs on trending topics in the field. We also aim to provide a comfortable atmosphere outside of class, in which students can ask questions about their courses, plans for the future, and general student life. Our meetings provide students with somewhere to relax during the busy semester, a place to meet new people with similar interests, and a place to enjoy themselves.

    Visit the Forensic Science Student Association's Facebook Page

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  • Physics Club
  • Undergraduate Science Council

    The Ontario Tech Science Council is an organization that serves to represent and support all students in the Ontario Tech University Faculty of Science. Entirely student-led, our society is focused on creating a diversified undergraduate experience for our member students. We host professional, academic, and wellness events throughout the year where students can build their profiles, develop new skills, and make memories to last a lifetime. During the year, we create opportunities catered to providing students with the experience they need to round out their academics. In addition, we hold social events where students can make friends, connect with other students, and have a good time.

    Learn more about the Science Council!

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  • Ontario Tech - Trent Working for Inclusivity in Chemistry

    We are part of the Canadian Women in Chemistry (CWIC) network. Ontario Tech and Trent university have joined forces to start a chapter between our two school communities (OTT-WIC). These networks across Canada promote inclusivity, equality, and diversity in the chemical sciences by connecting Working for Inclusivity groups across Canada. Our chapter was founded by graduate students in the Materials Science program (here and at Trent) as well as students from our Applied Bioscience graduate program. Even though the executive committee is made up of graduate students this is open to all undergraduate, graduate, faculty, staff, and post docs.

    Our mission is to seek and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the chemical sciences, featuring the promotion of women in chemistry.

    Learn more about the OTT-WIC!

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