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Ecosystem Health

Ecosystem Health focuses on:

  • Determining the implications of external toxicants on the health of ecosystems.
  • Discovering indicators for environmental problems.
  • Developing methods to lessen human exposure to toxicants.
  • Investigating environmental microbiology.
  • Determining the micro and macro-environmental factors causing disease.

In addition, researchers in the program will investigate related areas such as environmental microbiology, the pathophysiology of environmental disorders and the micro- and macro-environmental factors causing cancer. Research in this field will focus on specific environmental problems and develop solutions that will benefit Canadians.


  • Caroline Barakat-Haddad, PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS).
  • Julia Green-Johnson, PhD, Faculty of Science (FSci).
  • Douglas Holdway, PhD, FSci.
  • Holly Jones-Taggart, PhD, FHS.
  • Andrea Kirkwood, PhD, FSci.
  • Denina Simmons, PhD, FSci.
  • Janice Strap, PhD, FSci.