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Modelling and Computational Science

Mathematical modelling is an important tool in the study of physical and biological phenomena. The field of computational science combines the implementation of mathematical models, computer algorithms and knowledge in a particular area of application to provide an additional tool for the study of phenomena and, in particular, to facilitate the study of problems that are intractable or difficult to study using other approaches. Mathematical models and computational science are powerful methods to study problems such as atmospheric phenomena, climate variability, molecular behaviour of matter, protein folding, option pricing in financial markets, and many other physical, biological, medical, environmental and economic problems.

The graduate program in Modelling and Computational Science takes advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty of Science and collaborating faculties to offer a program of study that introduces students to all aspects of the modelling process. Our university's membership in the Shared Hierarchical Research Computer Network (SHARCNET), the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) and the advanced local computing infrastructure provides access to state-of-the-art computational facilities.

For more information about research conducted in this program, please visit the Modelling and Computational Science Graduate Program web site.

Please refer to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies web site for more information about admission requirements, course offerings, funding and fees for master's (MSc) and doctoral (PhD) studies in Modelling and Computational Science.