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Thesis requirements

Thesis projects will be limited to a small number of students who are selected by a supervising faculty member. Thesis research will be conducted during the fall and winter semesters and you should commit a minimum of nine hours per week towards this research. You may also complete all or part of your research during the summer; however, any work completed during the summer must be done in addition to any paid work you complete for your supervisor.*

Before the end of the first semester you will submit a written progress report to your supervisor. Registration in the second course is contingent on a satisfactory grade in the progress report. A failing grade means you will not be able to continue with the thesis project and must register for a directed studies course instead.

You will submit a final written thesis on your project before the end of the winter semester. At the end of the semester there will be a symposium where you will present your work to faculty members and your peers. If you don’t submit a thesis you will receive a fail (F). Requests for special consideration must be submitted to the Academic Advisor's office. Extensions for submission may be granted under exceptional circumstances.

*Students who will work with a senior lab instructor must complete their research during the summer semester.