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Hire a Co-op Student

Explore how a bright and enthusiastic Ontario Tech University student could help you meet your business and project objectives. Students are highly motivated and creative, bringing fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to the workplace.
  • Benefits of Hiring a Co-op Student

    Hosting a Co-op Student allows you to: 

    • Have access to;
      • year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
      • high qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave. 
    • Reduce the cost of recruitment by: 
      • eliminating advertising for limited- term positions
      • providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hires

    Hosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:
    year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:
    eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:
    year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:
    eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:
    year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:
    eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    have access to:year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
    highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    reduce the costs of recruitment by:eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
    providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hiresHosting a co-op student allows you to:

    • have access to:
      • year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
      • highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    • reduce the costs of recruitment by:
      • eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
      • providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hires

    Hosting a co-op student allows you to:

    • have access to:
      • year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
      • highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    • reduce the costs of recruitment by:
      • eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
      • providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hires

    Hosting a co-op student allows you to:

    • have access to:
      • year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
      • highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    • reduce the costs of recruitment by:
      • eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
      • providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hires

    Hosting a co-op student allows you to:

    • have access to:
      • year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
      • highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
    • reduce the costs of recruitment by:
      • eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
      • providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hires

        Hosting a co-op student allows you to:

        • have access to:
          • year-round supply of motivated students with theoretical foundations and technical skills to be immediately productive on the job
          • highly qualified co-op students who can provide short term relief in times of high work load, special projects and employee leave.
        • reduce the costs of recruitment by:
          • eliminating advertising for limited-term positions
          • providing you a valuable screening process for future graduate hires
  • Co-operative education is a win-win proposition
    • students gain valuable paid experience related to their field of study to kick start their careers, and help pay for their education
    • you benefit by: 
  • Tax Credits and Subsidies

    Participate in the Co-operative Education Tax Credit (CETC)

    The government of Canada often has revolving subsidy initiatives hosted by organizations within or outside of the university. For more information, contact to see what subsidies may be available for you. 

  • Employer Responsibilities

    You are required to: 

    1. Review and sign off on the students Formal Work Term Reports. There are two types of reports that alternate:
      1. Formal Work Term Report- skill development and job role report
      2. Summary Work Term Report- a student reflection report that you do not need to sign off on or read
    2. Employer Evaluation completion at end of each term. It will be sent to you and needs to be submitted to

    3. Supervisor/manager will be invited to participate in mid-term check in with the Experential Learning Officer from Ontario Tech University during the first week of term.
      1. You will receive a "google form' with questions regarding the students success. 



How to Recruit Ontario Tech University Students

  • Hiring Process- How To Hire

    Co-op positions are between 420-525 hours (minimum 12 weeks working full time) and offer students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience related to their area of study. 

    Co-op positions typically begin in January, May and September, and co-op students apply for co-op jobs during the previous term up to 6 months before the start date.

    Steps Fall Term Hiring
    (September- December)
    Winter Term Hiring
    (January to April)
    Summer Term Hiring
    (May- August) 
    1. Send job posting May 1- August 31 September 1- December 31 January 1- April 30
    2.Review job applicants You can chose to be sent a bundle of the applications upon the application deadline or have them sent to you daily as students apply.
    3. Interview candidates Co-op office can arrange interviews on campus or you can interview at your location. Typically, this is 1-2 weeks after the application deadline. 
    4. Extend job offer As soon as you have determined a successful candidate, inform the co-op office and they will present the offer to the student.
    5. Receive confirmation of offer Co-op office will inform you within 24-48 hours of extending your job offer.


    Hold interviews on campus or at your location 

    To arrange interviews, please send your shortlist of candidate names to along with your preferred interview date(s), times and location (in person, phone, or video conference). We can take care of scheduling the interviews, or you are welcome to arrange interviews yourself- we just ask that you please keep us informed

    If you need interview space, just let us know- we are happy to arrange space on campus upon request. 

  • Free Job Posting Service

    Free job posting service, year round- 24/7.

    Send co-op position to for faculty approval, which will be posted on the co-op job portal.

    Our co-op job portal allows registered employers to:

    • Post opportunities only to students accepted into the co-op program
    • Target opportunities to academic programs specific to your job opening
    • Monitor the job seeker traffic your opportunity generates
    • Send you applications individually or in a bundle at application deadline
  • Build Your Brand by Participating on Campus
    Targeted Information Sessions on Campus

    Provide a fantastic opportunity to:

    • network with a targeted audience of students in an intimate atmosphere
    • provide students with essential information about your organization, selection criteria, career paths and specific job opportunities


    • any time throughout the academic year
    • we will promote your session and register students through our online registration system
    • catering options are available
    Career Panels Subject Matter Experts or HR personnel can participate in employer panels that inform students about their organization, the career paths available and provide ideas on how to succeed with interviewing and securing employment and what is going on in industry.
    Workshops During our ‘career ready’ and ‘job search’ workshops students enjoy hearing from professionals about ‘real world’ situations, criteria and best practices on how to secure work. You can share your journey and the protocols of your current organization. Build brand while mentoring.
    Presentations Student Societies and groups like to invite employers to speak with their groups about their organizations, career paths, education etc. Faculty sometimes welcomes industry speakers to present on topics that are related to current curriculum.
    Job Fair

    We currently host two job fairs each year. Ontario Tech U / Durham College joint Job Fair hosted in February and the Summer Job Fair that takes place in March.

    Networking Breakfasts

    During larger job fairs we offer an opportunity for you to connect with students away from the booths

    Mock Interviews Performing mock interviews allows you to start seeing potential future hires and you provide valuable feedback to students to assist them with learning how to present professionally and confidently while they learn about hiring practices of your company.
    Recruiting Booths Set up in a hallway or atrium to advertise your company for 2 – 3 hours.
    Career Bus Host students in the field of study from which you recruit at your location. Students can experience the culture and environment of your organization; meet executive suite staff to most recent recruits, walk your halls, and even tour your labs. This provides students an opportunity to realize the value and practical application of skills learned through their degree.
  • When Are Students Available To Work?

    Employers spoke – We listened.

    Students are now able to be on placement for up to maximum of 16 consecutive months.

    Start Date
    Length May  September January
    4 months May – Aug. 31 Sept. – Dec. 31 Jan. – April 30
    8 months May – Dec. 31 Sept. – April 30 Jan. – Aug. 31
    12 months May – April 30 Sept. – Aug. 31 Jan. – Dec. 31
    16 months  May – Aug. 31 of following year