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Onyedikachi Kalu

Student's photo

Computer Science Student

Company: Sunlife Financial

Co-op Job Title: Information Security Analyst Intern


What motivated you to apply for Co-op?

I wanted to get a glimpse of what life could be like after school, gain valuable work experience and explore career options.

Can you describe your position in a few sentences?

As an Information Security Analyst, I was responsible for automating tasks, monitoring network traffic and keeping track of vulnerabilities. I automated a software solution that aided in tracking and reporting vulnerabilities, with the help of feedback from my team. In addition, I was tasked with monitored network traffic within the company; reporting and investigating suspicious activity.

Did you receive training to perform your duties? Please Explain.

I received at least two months of training for every task assigned to me.

What was your work atmosphere like? (flexibility, formality, team centric, supportive)

The work atmosphere was very welcoming and supportive. The team was always willing to assist interns and encouraged taking initiative.

What new skills were you able to learn/develop during your co-op placement?

I was able to develop my troubleshooting, time management and general IT security skills. I gained knowledge in platforms such as IBM QRadar, FireEye Databases and Phantom.

How did your experience compare with your expectations?

It by far exceeded my expectations. Sunlife made me feel like the work I did matter and was vital to the team’s day to day operations. They allowed me to learn and develop side projects to improve productivity within the team.

What was your proudest moment?

My proudest moment was presenting my finished product to my managers.

What advice would you offer to current students thinking about pursuing co-op?

Definitely make applying for co-op a priority. It is a valuable experience, I guarantee you’ll be grateful for going out on a co-op placement.