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Integrative Neuroscience

New for Fall 2020, the BSc (Hons) Integrative Neuroscience program offers a unique interdisciplinary approach to the study of neuroscience, with an emphasis on strong foundational science and practical laboratory skills.

Taught by area experts from the Faculties of Science, Health Science, and Social Science and Humanities, you'll study the nervous system at the cellular level, understand its influences on functional circuits at the macroscopic level, and learn how this forms the basis of behaviour, movement and neurological diseases. You will explore neuroscience from an evolutionary perspective, including a comparative analysis of the nervous system and behaviour among different animal groups.  Your understanding of the function of the nervous system at the molecular, structural, behavioral, and cognitive levels, will be developed through interdisciplinary study and hands-on laboratory learning in the sciences.  

The Integrative Neuroscience program has a co-op option, as well as extended and experiential learning opportunities, including a fourth-year undergraduate thesis and the five-year Science and Management program option.

Gain a competitive advantage with our interdisciplinary approach to the study of neuroscience.